Space and Emerging Technologies Working Group


Coming soon


Chair: Ron Faibish, General Atomics
Vice-Chair: Kate Kelly BWXT
‍Senior Fellow: Junaid Razvi, USNIC

Mission Statement

The Space & Emerging Technologies (SET) Working Group (WG) aims to bring together USNIC members who are specifically interested in new frontiers and emerging areas of nuclear technology applications.

Scope of Interest

• Space propulsion (e.g., planetary missions such as manned missions to Mars and national security-related cislunar missions)
• Space power (e.g., lunar fission surface power solutions)
• New technology solutions for medical isotope production for securing future US and global supply needed for ever-growing demand for vital cancer treatments and diagnostics
• Emerging technologies utilizing nuclear energy for defense and non-electrical applications (e.g., microreactors for powering military bases and nuclear energy for industrial heat and hydrogen production).
• The rapidly accelerating advances taking place in nuclear fission technologies for sustainable energy production.
• Coordination with other USNIC Working Groups:

• Fuel Cycle Working Group – relevant fuel cycle info for space and emerging technologies
• Advanced Nuclear Working Group – demonstration and technology support programs of U.S. DOE, U.S. DOD, and Canadian government
• Advanced Manufacturing, Construction and Decommissioning Working Group – technology review and adoption for AM, siting and lifecycle for product deployment


Working group areas of interest will be explored and advanced via
• Quarterly information exchange meetings for WG members
• Workshops/member seminars
• Special events focused on the advancement and promotion of new technologies
• Communications regarding regulatory and policy updates
• Annual Advanced Reactor Summit Panel
• Presentations and position papers for government agencies and legislators
• Meeting notes and breaking news to USNIC members